Those that knew me growing up, or even 10 years ago... this list is for you. A few things to amuse and maybe impress you :)
1. I am my daughters "room mom." I don't think that needs any further explanation as to why it is funny....
2. I made fruit loop necklaces for the kids. Only out of the Green, orange and purple ones.. because those are Halloween colors.. (I did steal the idea if that makes it better).
3. I also stapled a Halloween Prayer (also stolen) to their "treat bags"... also humorous...
4. I actually made, from scratch, the Halloween cookie pictured below... :)
5. I loved every minute of it!!! (most surprising I think...)
Our kids bring out the Martha Stewart in all of us, don't they? You're a great mom and I always knew you'd be, none of this surprised me at all!